Funny ways to prove things guide for lecturers
Proof by vigorous handwaving: Works well in a classroom or seminar setting. Proof by forward reference: Reference is usually to a forthcoming paper of the author, which is often not as forthcoming as at first. Proof by funding: How could three different government agencies be wrong? Proof by example: The author gives only the case n = 2 and suggests that it contains most of the ideas of the general proof. Proof by omission: “The reader may easily supply the details” or “The other 253 cases are analogous” Proof by deferral: “We’ll prove this later in the course”. Proof by picture: A more convincing form of proof by example. Combines well with proof by omission. Proof by intimidation: “Trivial.” Proof by adverb: “As is quite clear, the elementary aforementioned statement is obviously valid.” Proof by seduction: “Convince yourself that this is true! [...]
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Posted by Rajj - January 22, 2013 at 10:07 am
Categories: Funny Quotes Sayings, very funny jokes Tags: funny quotes, math jokes